General Liability

Business owners purchase general liability insurance policies to protect their company’s financial assets when they are being sued by third parties. General liability insurance policies are considered businesses’ first line of defense, according to Tech Insurance. These insurance plans have other benefits such as providing policyholders with financial assistance to pay for legal representation and to maintain profitability while in court.
Our general liability insurance coverage also called commercial general liability insurance, protects your business from third-party claims for bodily injury, associated medical costs, and damage to someone else’s property.

General Liability Insurance Quote

Who needs liability insurance coverage?

Our business offers general liability coverage offers the followings


Workers’ Comp


Personal Liability


Beauty Salons


Beauty Salons


Barber Shops


Child & Adult Care


Janitorial & Handy-Men


Grocery Stores

Get Coverage for your Business

You should consider this coverage if you or your employees:

For example, while visiting a client’s premises, the client trips over your briefcase and gets injured – your business may be liable. Your fault or not, our general liability coverage will protect your business against covered claims by paying defense costs and any damages up to your policy limit. Give us the opportunity to earn your insurance business and request a personalized commercial or general liability insurance quote today!